Peter Bowdens
Shamanic Drum Making Ceremony
Are you ready to open to the Great Mystery and call forth all that you are and all that you can be?
Are you committed to your own healing, personal growth, and self-empowerment?
Would you like guidance and support to hold space for change, welcoming a shift in your life path to reflect your soul truth and unique contribution to all beings?
If you are being called and are ready to commit to this journey of self-mastery through shamanism and earth-based medicine practices, our team is available now to discuss this opportunity with you.
Discounted for all students
2 Days (Live-out)
Venue: Burleigh Waters, Gold Coast
Stand-alone offering (contact us for pricing)
*Included as a bonus in our 2-year program
Food inclusive in the cost
All drum and drum beater materials are included in the cost
Opening to the depths of your inner wisdom and connecting through your Sacred Breath. Allow yourself to surrender into the alchemy of your heart as you are held through the process of connecting with these ancient shamanic practices. Creating, through your personal journey, a sacred instrument for ceremony, celebration, healing, and journeying with love, respect, and honor.
The experience of creating a Medicine Drum with Peter is a very unique opportunity to access here in Australia. Peter shares the lineage of ‘The Sacred Hoop of Life’, teachings and blessings received from his teacher Grey Wolf, an Inuit elder and Medicine Man from North America. Grey Wolf is no longer with us, but his teaching and wisdom live on through this sacred lineage.
This lineage is deeply sacred and transformational. Birthing one’s own Medicine Drum is a profound and life-changing process. The wisdom of the “Sacred Hoop of Life” connects us with nature, the elements, the rhythms and cycles of the planet, and our hearts.
The materials we use and the spirit of the animals are all honored and blessed with deep reverence and gratitude. We use locally and ethically sourced hides where possible.
◆ Lunch and afternoon tea Saturday
◆ Lunch and afternoon tea Sunday
◆ Materials for creating either a 15″ or an 18″ medicine drum (Kangaroo, Goat or Deer hide)
◆ Materials for creating a drum beater
◆ The teachings, ceremony and wisdom of this Sacred Inuit lineage
◆ Personalised sacred drum blessing

Introduction to Rapeh Serving
Included as a Free bonus in the Shamanic Self-Mastery Program

2 Days (Live-out)
Venue: Burleigh Waters, Gold Coast
Stand-alone offering (contact us for pricing)
*Included as a bonus in our 2-year Program
◆ Vegetarian Lunch and morning/afternoon tea provided on both days
◆ Your choice of Rapeh medicine (8g vial)
◆ 1 x Kuripe Pipe (Self-administering)
◆ 1 x Tepi Pipe (Serving Pipe)
Rapeh (pronounced Hapee) is a sacred and powerful plant medicine, with deep healing, purifying, and centering qualities.
Rapeh has been used for centuries by Brazilian indigenous tribes, such as; the Hunikuin, Yawanawa, and Nukini.
Rapeh is a powdered mixture made from finely
ground Mapacho Tobacco, flowers, herbs, seeds, and roots. Some Rapeh blends also include sacred ash
from various medicinal plants.
The rapeh is blown into the nose through a bamboo tube (Tepi or Kuripe).
Rapeh cleanses physically and energetically, it heals, opens the heart, centers the mind, clears the consciousness, and cleans the Pineal Gland.
Raheh is very good for focusing and maintaining
better concentration.
Topics Include:
◆ Benefits of Rapeh
◆ Contraindications
◆ Learning Icaros and medicine songs
◆ Types/qualities of Rapeh
◆ Types of pipes/ways of blowing the pipe
◆ Ceremony versus general use
◆ Learning how to create sacred space
◆ Honoring the medicine
◆ Setting intention and blessing songs
◆ Pipe maintenance and Rapeh storage
◆ Serving self and serving others
◆ Music playlist for ceremony